Forgot Your Username and Password
When navigating to, if you cannot remember your Login Name or Password, please follow the below steps to retrieve your extension login details.
Forgot Username
When you are on the portal login page, click on the "Forgot Login Name". Follow the instructions on the next page. If your email address is not accurately entered on your extension, please send an email to and request for your email address to be updated on your extension.
Forgot Password
When you are on the portal login page, click on the "Forgot Password". Follow the instructions on the next page (hint: your Login Name is your ext #, the @ symbol and then your PBX name. Ex: 100@mypbx). If your not sure what your Login Name is, please refer to the article above.
Please Note: These details are also used to login to your ConnectUC (ReachUC also) mobile app.